Professor Robert J. C. Young


Robert J. C. Young is Julius Silver Professor of English and Comparative Literature at New York University, USA, and Dean of Arts and Humanities at New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE. Before joining NYU in 2005 he was Professor of English and Critical Theory, and a Fellow of Wadham College, at the University of Oxford, UK. He has held research or visiting professorships at the University of Hong Kong; Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; Monash University, Australia; St John’s College, University of Oxford, UK; University of Puerto Rico; and University College, Galway, Ireland. His research interests range across the fields of cultural and political history, literature, philosophy, photography, psychoanalysis and translation studies, with a particular focus on colonial history and postcolonial theory. His books include White Mythologies (1990), Colonial Desire (1995), Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction (2001), The Idea of English Ethnicity (2008), Empire, Colony, Postcolony (2015), and, with Jean Khalfa, Frantz Fanon. Écrits sur l’aliénation et la liberté, Œuvres II (2015). His work has been translated into over twenty languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Gujarati, Hebrew, Persian, Tamil and Turkish. He is a corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of the Academia Europaea.

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Keynote Presentation (2017) | By Natural Law the Earth Is Held in Common

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